
Showing posts from May, 2020

He Mihimihi

He Mihimihi Tena Koutou e hoa mā ( Greetings to you ) Ko Delimakotu te maunga - Delimakotu is my mountain Ko Koroni te awa - Koroni is my river. Ko Waqa ni Viti   te Waka -  Waqa ni Viti is my boat. Ko Tui Moce   rangatira - Tui Moce is the captain Ko Vale ni tikina te marae - Vale ni tikina is my marae  Ko Nasau te iwi - Nasau is my tribe Ko Moce te hapu - Moce is my sub-tribe Ko Marieta taku ingoa - Marieta is my name Our task for Maori is to create our own Mihimihi. To be able to achieve excellence I have used the format given from Whea Ruiha and Whea Josie ( Our Maori Teachers ). I found this task very interesting because I got to learn some things of myself that I didn't know such as who is my tribe or sub-tribe. I have also recorded myself saying my mihimihi as I am confident to do so.

Keeping the Haka or not?

The All Blacks are a rugby team that represents our country known as New Zealand. Before a game, it is important to showcase a HAKA. This Haka is traditional because it is a symbol of peace, it also symbolises honour to the guest and reveals the importance of the occasion. The HAKA is meant to symbolise a tribe's unity and pride. The All blacks should keep the HAKA since it is a hugely significant role to do before a game. Ka Mate” is a haka that has been the haka always performed by the All Blacks when they play against different teams. It is a ceremonial haka and it was written by Te Rauparaha. It is a celebration of life winning over death. Te Rauparaha created the haka after he escaped death at the hands of enemy tribes from Ngāti Maniapoto and Waikato by hiding in a dark food storage pit. When he came out of it, he was greeted by light and a friendly tribe chief.